Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch intrate

elcome to my little corner of the internet!
I made this site on a whim, but wanted to relearn HTML since the last time I made a website was in the 10th grade. The whole site is a constant work it progress, but I hope you enjoy your stay!
Im excited to see what I can do with this thing. I wasnt around for the golden age of independant sites, but this revival is very exciting. I will mostly post my fanfics, book or movie reviews,
or anything else I want. I dont entirely know yet what I want out of this, other than a chance to try and play around with how website building all works.
I want this space to be a weird eclecting site for my interets. (Note that this site will not work on mobile.)

My name is Anat! (she/her) I'm a classics student focusing on Ancient Greece.
Please check out my Shrines if you want to know more!